
Moonlight Trust wins award!!!

It has been an honour to share the stage with Husam Zomlot, Sadiq Khan, and receive this prestigious award at the 20th anniversary of the Muslim News Awards for Excellence 2024 at London Marriot. It has been a truly special evening as Hossam Zomlot collected the award on behalf of all the journalists in Gaza, followed by powerful speeches from Daniel Levy, President Middle East Project, Sadiq Khan and Ahmed J Warsi. "The dawn is after the darkest hours. There is always hope," Hussam

I was the runner-up for the Alija Izetbegovic Award. This award is named after the Bosnian leader who, in the face of adversity, oppression, and genocide, helped secure the rights of his community to live in peace in Bosnia. The characteristics sought in the nominees of this award include courage and determination for a just world.

I won the Aman wa Amal Special Award. The award exemplified leadership characterised by courage and strong moral principles. The special category is designed at the discretion of the judges.

"Our courage and everything we have achieved is driven by Tawkkal, not ego." Noushin Raja

It was truly amazing to witness the remarkable contributions of Muslims throughout the UK, from sports to grassroots charitable initiatives.

A huge credit to Ahmed J Warsi, Chief editor of "The Muslim News UK," for his 20 years of dedication, support, and inspiration for our community. This is for everyone who has supported me and #MoonlightTrust

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Lets talk about Climate Change!

Tomorrow's Workshop: Climate Justice!

We often discuss social and humanitarian justice, but what about climate justice?

Join us in our mission to protect this beautiful treasure, our planet.

A Green Deen Project

To book your place, please email:

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Volunteers bringing smiles on Eid in Gaza

We love life and we celebrate life. Children in Gaza have taught us this. In addition to our food and clothing deliveries in Gaza, this Eid, we have provided toys, Eid gifts, and organized fun activities for the children who have endured trauma and hardship over the past six months. We extend a heartfelt shout-out to the volunteers who have brought smiles to their faces, uplifting these children despite the immense challenges they face. #EidMubarak #gaza

Keep supporting at

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Help Faisel to raise funds

Faisel Ali is only 2k away from meeting his target please help amd support if you can. Faisal Ali, one of our dedicated trustees, for his exceptional efforts in raising over £18,000 in less than 20 days during Ramadan. Every Ramadan, we undertake an intensive food program, providing essential food packs to some of the most vulnerable communities, particularly those affected by war and poverty, trapped in dire circumstances.

Through our Enthuse platform, you can create your own campaign and page to fundraise for these vital causes. This year, a significant portion of these donations will be allocated to Gaza. We invite you to join us in this noble mission. Please support us in reaching Faisal's target of £20,000 by visiting the link below:



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Feeding the 2000 displaced people in Calais

There are about 2000 displaced people facing food, water insecurity and sleeping rough in Calais, France. The vast majority of displaced people are those fleeing from countries that have suffered conflict. Currently there are majority from Sudan, Afghanistan, Eritrea and Syria.

For last 5 years we have been providing Food packs, water and tents for refugees stuck in Calais and Dunkirk in dire conditions.

Thank you to all those who have donated and supported. Please donate via https://moonlighttrust.enthuse...

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The last kiss goodbye between a daughter and her father!

The last goodbye kiss between Maria and her father.. He says: "I always saw my daughter as the most beautiful child in the world." How could I not? After all, I am her father. I was the first one to hold her when she came into this world and now I'm the one to hold her while she leaves us forever.

I never imagined I'd have to give my daughter one last kiss goodbye. I dreamt that one day she would be a dentist and wear a white coat. But instead she was dressed in white for another reason, taken from us by the Israeli war machine, passed away before her time, before her dream could come true. "

Children are one of the biggest casualties of this aggression. Please remember your brothers and sisters and all those families impact in Gaza in your prayers during Ramdhan.

Shared by journalist Hani Aburezeq from Gaza

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£10,000 raised in just 10 days!!

A huge shout to Faisal Ali, one of our dedicated trustees, for his exceptional efforts in raising over £10,000 in less than 10 days during Ramadan. Each Ramadan, we undertake an intensive food program, providing essential food packs to some of the most vulnerable communities, particularly those affected by war and poverty, trapped in dire circumstances.

Through our Enthuse platform, you can create your own campaign and page to fundraise for these vital causes. This year, a significant portion of these donations will be allocated to Gaza. We invite you to join us in this noble mission. Please support us in reaching Faisal's target of £20,000 by visiting the link below:


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Volunteers cooking for Rafah with your donations

We will continue our distributions in south of Gaza, Rafah throughout the #Ramadan.

We are thankful to everyone who has generously donated to our Gaza Ramadan appeal. Despite the immense challenges, our dedicated volunteers on the ground in Rafah are tirelessly cooking and delivering food to those displaced in camps. We recognise that this Ramadan is particularly difficult for Palestinians, and it pains us to witness their suffering and attacks during this sacred time. Your donations make a meaningful difference in providing essential support. Our partners on the ground who are palestinian volunteers have made these videos and visual evidence took their own intiative, as a gesture of gratitude and for transparency reasons. The situation is quoet volatile so the transparency is crucial. We did not instruct them to do so. The resilience and smiles of people in Gaza are overwhelming. Please consider contributing with a reference to Gaza. Donation Link:


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Warning sensitive pictures of the horror of the impact ofhunger

Yazan al Kafran, a 10 year old child died due to malnutrition. Atleast 20 people including children have died due to #malnutrition and siege in Gaza according to the chairman of International Rescue Committee.

"A steep rise in malnutrition among children and pregnant and breastfeeding women in the Gaza strip poses grave threats to their health, according to a comprehensive new analysis released by the Global Nutrition Cluster.

As the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip enters its 20th week, food and safe water have become incredibly scarce and diseases are rife, compromising women and children’s nutrition and immunity and resulting in a surge of acute malnutrition.

The report “Nutrition Vulnerability and Situation Analysis - Gaza” – finds that the situation is particularly extreme in the Northern Gaza Strip, which has been almost been cutt off. If you can support our food distributions pls donate via

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Plant a tree; your gift in Ramadan will feed more than you imagined

Trees with their refreshing colour have a positive effect on our mental health. When you plant a tree, you are providing food for nature. This is a charitable gift that keeps on giving. Moonlight Trust is giving you the opportunity to be a part of this project that will help our planet.

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